Food Distribution Facility - Indiana

Changing Unit Heaters to Cambridge HTHV Space Heaters
Retrofit Case Study

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Building Specifications 

  • 216,000 ft2
  • Located in Indianapolis, IN
  • Construction:   Roof: R-10 | Walls:16’ Metal w/ 2” Insulation | 10’ Uninsulated Tilt Concrete

Before - Unit Heaters


  • Uneven temperatures
  • Cold dock areas
  • High gas costs
  • Poor Indoor Air Quality
  • No summer ventilation

Operating Costs

Based on:
46,959 therms for 2009 -10 heating season
Normalized to 30 year averages @ 50°

$0.22/ft2 Total cost @$1.00 therm

After - Cambridge Space Heaters


  • More even temperatures
  • Better Indoor Air Quality
  • Lower Energy Cost
  • Provided summer ventilation

Operating Costs

Based on:
45,446 therms for 2011-12 heating season
Normalized to 30 year averages @ 60°

$0.21/ft2 Total cost @ $1.00 therm


The Cambridge system saved 5% in gas, while maintaining a 10° high building temperature. If the customer would have maintained 50° they would have saved an additional $22,000.

Note: If the customer had operated the system at 50° as designed, they would have they would havereduced their fuel consumption by 47%.